Secret Santa 2024
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Rise of the Immortals (RoI)

Rise of Immortals™ is an online, free-to-play PC game that expands on the hit Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) genre with new, innovative features designed to appeal to both core and casual players.

With my own words, Rise of the Immortals is a new moba game that have been announced since July, it shares both PvE and PvP aspects. In the feature RoI is planning to implemented 10 vs 10 game play modes and some other features that other MoBa style may or might not have.

I have been playing RoI for a quite while now and I gotta say that some of them are from LoL and they do choose RoI over LoL due of the community and how LoL or any other Moba style themed games have turned out now.

Personally I would try any new MoBa style themed games, since the MoBa genre is always nice to try and it's always great to see that more companies are still trying to create something unique and different from any other MoBa.

So if you're planning to try out this game, then let us know! Post your IGN in here so we can know who you're and add you as a friend on the game then.



















For more information about the immortals section report at the link showed below:


So once again if you're planning to test out the game then feel free to post your IGN!

IGN List:
Toribash - RoI - RoI Forum
iNoTo - Mistrophy - iNoTo

(This link helps me too)
Please use this link in order to sign up!


Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
This game totally stole League of Legends' UI.Don't we already have enough games that are similiar to Dota ? In my personal opinion,this game is not even worth trying because of it's poor artwork,3D artists and the lack of originality.

Please let us not start such a pointless discussion, in this world everything is a copy of one another that tries to difference themselves with different type of features.
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Last edited by iNoTo; Dec 31, 2011 at 04:22 PM.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
This game totally stole League of Legends' UI.Don't we already have enough games that are similiar to Dota ? In my personal opinion,this game is not even worth trying because of it's poor artwork,3D artists and the lack of originality.
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
This game totally stole League of Legends' UI.Don't we already have enough games that are similiar to Dota ? In my personal opinion,this game is not even worth trying because of it's poor artwork,3D artists and the lack of originality.

Please let us not start such a pointless discussion, in this world everything is a copy of one another that tries to difference themselves with different type of features.

Attention: If you plan on doing such post then refrain from posting, Thank You!
Last edited by iNoTo; Dec 31, 2011 at 04:20 PM.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
A reason why I don't play LoL is because each character is pretty much locked into their builds. Each one is optimally played in a certain way, and everyone can expect exactly how you would play. There's no trickery that can be pulled to gain an advantage in battle. Is ROI the same way? or are the characters a bit more versatile?
Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
A reason why I don't play LoL is because each character is pretty much locked into their builds. Each one is optimally played in a certain way, and everyone can expect exactly how you would play. There's no trickery that can be pulled to gain an advantage in battle. Is ROI the same way? or are the characters a bit more versatile?

For now it's the same. But some peoples have been suggesting for a different type of item style on RoI. So I do wonder if they plan on changing the item build style or not. If they do not change the way item build works, then it will remain the same as any other MoBa out there. For now the only changes between any other MoBa that's implemented in RoI is the hub and the skill tree style and persistent levels for each champions. Some of them do have a variety of skills as well (skill shots + point to click) even though I do not like point to click system. On the other hand I will await and see how petroglyph will play their role as a MoBa developer.

I will let you know if there any further changes into the item build style of RoI.
Last edited by iNoTo; Dec 31, 2011 at 06:42 PM.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
I downloaded it from Steam back when it was an Objective, yes, its a rip from LoL but that doesn't really matter to much.
It feels undeveloped and when I first played everything felt cheap, like this was a group of students who decided to make an indie game for a university project or something along them lines :P
It was fun though, no denying that, its worth a try but it doesn't quite make me want to play more :P