Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
What is this...
Activity... is coming??

May a potential occlusion of this thread due to off-topicness prove me right...

Im on IRC
O Hey o/

Some of the survivors of inactivity have been missing TLL they are again :3

You should show up on IRC dude, we're starting to get active ingame too
Fear, you need to re-register the IRC channel, since u havent logged on in a month.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
What is this thread about?
Also, what is a "blip"? And if everyone is posting about activity... i think we are back from inactivity : D.
Oh yeh oh yeh, Since fear don't move his ass, or even encourages us we gotta do this for ourselves and here we are. Help us, post, play minecraft, post, get to the IRC, play with us ingame.