View Poll Results: Which of Nikag's text effect should we use for the video?
Option 1 (itsbruce)
2 Votes / 11.11%
Option 2 (dagreja)
2 Votes / 11.11%
Option 3 (theultimatum)
14 Votes / 77.78%
Voters: 18. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by dagreja View Post
We dont much need help on activity, but another voice wouldnt hurt.
Nikag, do you think you could do the names for the intros? list of the names we need: dagreja, fusionman, mjishere123, skullandbo, theultimatum, poppo361, itsbruce, loruhamah, bradatron4, v3l3n0, nikag, kayateya, and mrmadpanda.(i think thats all)
fluz, youre beginning to post borderline spam. the replays, just attach them to a message on this thread later. But dont just say "so heres my replays". Provide some sort of contribution to the topic at hand(like what nikag did by offering help with art). For example, if there is any way you could help with the vid or have any free programs to suggest that i could use for video editing, say so.

Well you can download a trial of Sony Vegas pro 11 Which is what I use to edit!
Adobe after effects cs5

These both cost a lot but both have a free 30 day trial you can use!
Before I do the names of the people, I need to know what kind of style you guys want, what color, etc. So below meh... tell me what style and stuff you want, details, if you want outline and what color, if you want mix color, stuff liek DAT!

darn i forgot, soup

EDIT: For an example of what mine is gonna look like, just look below, bro

Last edited by nikag; Jan 29, 2012 at 10:00 PM.