press c
contract abs
space x2
grip both hands and contract both pecs
extend ankles, contract knees, extend hips, extend abs, raise shoulders, space until the end and watch the replay as many times as you want
contract abs
space x2
Grab hands, contract both pecs, contract hips, contract knees, extend ankles
space x2
Extend knees, hips and abs, raise shoulders, press R
here is a modifiable well um.. position move.
all options default
press C
raise both shoulders ,contract rigt pecs, extend left pecs, right turn chest, space x2
grab hands, loosen all, and do other things with it
Ok i have the best slam ever!!!!
press C
contract pecs', lower shoulders, graby hands, space x1
raise shoulders, space x2
extend hips, contract knees, extend ankles, shift+space, and press r. cool huh?