Original Post
Brutal comeback
New selfspar which i am pretty proud of.

Non-stop action is pretty entartaining.

Attached Files
Swex- Brutal Legend.rpl (711.2 KB, 58 views)
Last edited by Swexx; Feb 21, 2012 at 01:20 PM.
A true replay maker only knows blood,sweat,tears and glory...ALSO failure, ALOT of failure.
also i sing harshvocals n stuff
its littlebit random sometimes but looks awesome also a question can i use this replay for vid? 8/10 for it
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
Replays, Videos
The sweep was great,good job on that,the kick in the end was too weak(bad) though to convince me .Good try at fast punches,not so bad(although,they're ineffective in irl xD)
Woot, that was the most action full spar I've seen so far xD
other spars usually have alot more delay between hits :P
I liked it, good job.
10/10 from me