Original Post
[WAR]DP War Room
Hello DP members,

As we are going to CW with another clans, I think we need some thing like this. Our own War Room, where we can think about the wars, etc. I'll start this asking for you: Who do you wanna fight against? RAWR? CW? Or another one? Just let me know of your what you want and I'll think about it. As it's on our Dark Council, the biggest power here in DP is the Elders, don't including ynvaser and alert , so you suggest, we talk with ynvaser and alert, and we choose someone to war.

Good Luck,gentleman
Last edited by torikill10; Mar 9, 2012 at 08:25 AM. Reason: Don't including Co-leader and leader
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."