Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
Again, I had to delete tons of posts which mean absoloutely nothing. If you don't have anything useful to say, then don't post at all.

Originally Posted by Akmal View Post
Kevin, I tolerated last time because I was invited and didn't wanted to argue with anyone but I will do it now.

This is "clan board". We are allowed to have at least some fun. First, you stopped me from defending spam and said that a "little" spam is okay and now you are deleting our posts because they are "meaningless" even though they are not spam except for some one ward posts. You are going directly opposite to what you said.

Didn't i say somthing like akmal is saying now and get completely crucified and bum raped by box for it? Oh well. Anyways I agree with Akmal but the spam must just not get out of hand.
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