Original Post
hi i´ve got a quastion.
I would like to know how i get toricredits.
I searched for it but i didnt found something.
Or Buying Toricredits With Credit Card,that is PAYPAL etc.,or By europe countrys the easiest way to order tc is thru phone....
Last edited by AztecoS; Jul 13, 2008 at 12:02 AM. Reason: lol i think i posted the same time as SrgtCorn :P
or beggin the crap out of people with boosters.
NO jk dont do that... win matches, sell items, make living i guess. :P
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
You can also get ToriCredits by buying them with Pay Pal or phone cards.

EDIT: Tie and I posted at the exact same time!
wuhu thx for the quick help, can u say me how much i get for a game and where i can check how much credits i allready have ?
edit: which items i should sell ?
Last edited by fpsdoug; Jul 13, 2008 at 12:01 AM.
You sell items you dont want, after you buy them with the toricredits earned ingame, or bought via credit card, paypal, or cellphone. I basically answered every question you will/should have right now. GO EARN YUR TORICREDITS!
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
Sell what you want. We can't help you with that; providing the item isn't a Texture item (texture slots cannot be sold) selling items is entirely personal preference.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."