Original Post
Bunnies shop
I am selling these for these prices, no negotiating.
To find the item you want, press CNTRL + F and type the items name.

Aqua hand Trail: 450
Aqua Hand Trail: 500
Dragon force: 5k
Elf Emote: 1.7k
Nox relax: 4k
Shaman torso: 1.5k
Toxic force: 11k
Typhon Primary Grad: 1.5k

Acid Lax: 6.5k

Bronze Prime grad: 600
Bronze lax: 3.1k
Bronze secondary grad: 1.1k
Elf Emote: 2k
Hot pink blood: 2.3k
Hyrda blood: 700
x3 juryo blood 200 each
x3 Nox DQ: 1k each
x3 Nox ghost: 1.5k each
Nox secondary grad: 3.9k
x5 Shaphire blood: 11k each
x3 Shap force: 8k each
Shaman blood: 3.2k
Shaman force: 11k
Shaman torso: 1.3k
Typhon DQ: 1k
Typhon ghost: 7k
Typhon left trail: 1.1k
x3 Typhon force 7.3k each
Typhon left hand trail: 300
Typhon left leg trail: 700
Typhon right hand trail: 300
Typon right leg trail: 700
Typhon secondary grad 600
Typhon timer: 700
Typhon usertext: 7k
x3 Vampire emote color: 2k each
Vampire user text: 4k


Last edited by bunnyroses; Mar 13, 2012 at 12:47 PM.
Back from a 3 year hiatus
bronze froce -1500tc Deal sending now.

Edit:Sent Waiting for force. 8D
Last edited by Gamer4200; Mar 13, 2012 at 10:43 AM.
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.
Offer cancelled, just sold my hunter relax T_T

So I'll just offer for the blood
Last edited by Leaf; Mar 13, 2012 at 11:45 AM.

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