Christmas Lottery
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If someone is Perma-banned can you take their name?
Like I said above, I am pretty sure you can take their name if you get a name change but can you do it if you just make a new account? Another question is I've seen a lot of new white belts with 3 letter names. How do they do that?
Originally Posted by bunt View Post
Like I said above, I am pretty sure you can take their name if you get a name change but can you do it if you just make a new account?

No you can't, they might (for some reason) get unbanned (maybe if they were proven innocent), so it would suck if they come back seeing that they don't have a name anymore don't you think? :3

Basically? No.

Originally Posted by bunt
Another question is I've seen a lot of new white belts with 3 letter names. How do they do that?

You mean like mine? It's only a matter of registration, I'll try making a new account with 3 letters and see if there has been a few changes with username registration.

EDIT : just tried it and you're right, so they most likely joined the game before this new "4 characters or more" username thing got implemented.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Thanks but there is someone named God and I remember seeing him banned like a longgggg ass time ago and now I see him online. Is that the same person or a new person
Last edited by bunt; Mar 20, 2012 at 10:19 PM.
Anyway, if you wanted to change it, it would cost you 100k
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?