Originally Posted by LatinBlade View Post
I have around 18-20k how much do you give ? only to know

You need to have 500k+ for sell toricredits,if you sell toricredits under that amount you will get infracted.
Also this guy is selling tc:
Originally Posted by xfoxyx View Post
You need to have 500k+ for sell toricredits,if you sell toricredits under that amount you will get infracted.
Also this guy is selling tc:

Ok thanks
yea do agentp he does better deals
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>