Christmas Lottery
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What do you value you more reputation, love, or money
im interested in what people value you the most i personally value honor which ties into reputation, if it ties into one of the 3 choices that's aloud but don't say something that isn't one of the three choices
Words mean nothing, actions show the true meaning
You guys are talking like some kids that live in the stone age or something.. Nobody gives a flying fuck about reputation here.. this isn't some fairy tale story like dragonball z or one piece.. this world is based on money, grow the f up

Obviously money and ppl who believe everything rep says are retarded anyways..
Reputation above all else.
I'd very much like to make my mark on the world before I die.

Second would be love, and last money :P
Reputation is egotistical in my opinion. Caring too much about what others think of you is not important.
Money is important to live, but not important enough i'd choose it over love. Love makes you happier then both, but also sadder.
But i'd still choose love, because there is no other feeling that comes close to it.
Aka jusmi.
I don't really care about reputation whatsoever. Either it be good, or bad it still doesn't matter to me.

Money on the other hand, you can buy lots of stuff and practically do whatever you want as long as it's legal. Love is good too, but people can still survive without love.

But everyone needs money one way or another, and don't need love or reputation so I'd choose money personally.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Seeing as honour ties into reputation, I'm going with honour (and it's spelled with an "u" in South Africa). Money would be second. Love, I don't need. Not since September 2003...
Before you ask why I say I don't need love since September 2003, the answer is in the "I am sbanen" post in the "Introduce yourself" area...
Preparing to fight some ninja squirrels...
money = love = reputation = bitches


money = bitches

i'll have to go with money
yungmoney has just robbed your bank account for 18 toricredits
Originally Posted by footside View Post
money = love = reputation = bitches


money = bitches

i'll have to go with money

Wow dude, you must love female dogs. Don't worry man, nothing is wrong with having a fetish about female dogs, I don't judge ;)

Rep, I don't give two fucks about what people think of me

Love, overrated,fuck emotions

Money, super powerful gaming pc with every fucking game and all the DLC for them, also, unlimited pizza and cinnamon sticks.

I think my answer to the question is clear here :3

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