Originally Posted by
srsly? da fuck muur, i love you n shit but thats just low
If the person isn't being an active part of the clan, why should they be in the clan? Usually when I kick the people who have been inactive for a month, they either gain some initiative to post "0MG 1 M@Y N0T H@VE BIN @CT1ngg @ss P@RT 0F TH1S CL@N, BUT C0ME 0n WHY W0ULD U K1CK MEEEE?!?1/"
But if you had posted before that time, I wouldn't have had to kick you. I was kicking to allow for growth, but apparently it led more towards death, haha.
Also, Lumie, to your ironic comic. Yeah, I know, but if I kicked myself I'd still be getting the same shit I am now, so....Lose, lose situation.