selling all my stuff say me a price or say me stuff you would trade Have a nice buying^^ my inventory--->
Gladiator Relax
Gladiator Force SOLD to: Jebediah
Gladiator Primary Gradient SOLD to: Major
Gladiator Relax SOLD to : Major
Gladiator Secondary Gradient SOLD to : Major
-------------------------------- MARINE STUFF
Marine Blood
Marine Ghost
Marine relax SOLD to: Doomkiller
Marine Secondary Gradient SOLD to: nochilla
Marine User Text
--------------------------- ORC STUFF
ORC Blood SOLD to:Coob
ORC force SOLD to:Coob
Orc Left Hand Motion Trail
Orc Left Leg Motion Trail
Orc Primary Gradient GIVEN to : Major
Orc Primary Gradient
Orc Right Hand Motion Trail
Orc Right Leg Motion Trail
Orc Secondary Gradient GIVEN to:mohamedmod
Orc Torso SOLD to:Coob
---------------------- OTHER STUFF
Vampire DQ SOLD to:Friis
Gaia DQ GIVEN to: EBeezy
Radioactive User-Text
Aqua Relax
-------------------- GRIP COLOURS Aqua Grip Marine Grip Gladioator Grip
Last edited by Brawl; Aug 19, 2008 at 06:50 PM.
pwned by white belts:∞ times
sold my soul for 80 tc to this guy :3
@Domkiller 1,2k or some tc and something to share
@Jebediah no sry because it´s sold out in the shop so i could sell it (with luck) for 50 tc ^^ if you go a little bit over the shop price i sell it to you
pwned by white belts:∞ times
sold my soul for 80 tc to this guy :3