Original Post
[Gold Warriors] Clan

This is the Gold Warriors Clan Thread.

Clan Story.

Members of the Clan.

Clan Video.

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Make irc: [X]

Clan Application.
Post your clan app Here.
Use this form or else you will not be recommended.

1. Name (Optional):
2. Age (Optional):
2. Belt (At least Brown):
3. Country + your timezone:
4. Favourite mods:
5. Forum Activity (1-10):
6. Ingame Activity (1-10):
7. Do you use IRC:
8. Special skills:
9. Why you want to join [Gold]?:
10. Why you think we let you join?:
11. Your usercard(find it in your achievements):

Single Allies.

Clan Allies.
Lurking Wolves

IRC Link

Clan News
-New Leader
-New Thread

Element - 7-5 to Element

Clan Bank
All donations for the clan need to be sended to this account.

GWClanBank or GoldWarriorBank

Any other account is fake.

The clan bank currently has 3,537 TC.
The people that donated and how much they donated are below.

Jubaied : 1,617 TC.
Daxter99: 1,920 TC.
Last edited by Labirynth; Apr 11, 2012 at 12:32 PM.
Ronald McDonald is scary.
King, it's no problem that he made a new thread because I'm not really good at making first post. I hope this will turn out good.
dreamy suicide act
Decline to oranganeh, I still don't like you mate.
Also mad a new thread because we can't update first post as kingtiesIII is perma banned.
Also Cerro, I got another way to make me leader, you can just ask a mod such as Fish or I can cos he is a mate of mine.
Just tell me if you want me too.
Cerro if I could borrow you now, Sorting out a clan war with Element
Go /jo element
Last edited by Labirynth; Apr 10, 2012 at 05:45 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Ronald McDonald is scary.
You can't be the leader since i was the leader retard.

Cerro told me he will make me the leader again.

Also , you made the clan story look like you made the clan.
Don't do that sorts of stuff.
Hey labi, can you make my name blue in the ally list?

I am the founder.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]SoA|Sexion<3|Labirynth<3|Ishi|Butler153|Tamakuu<3|Ora nganeh|CerroNegro|Stellar<3|Power Of The Riddle!
Yes Rodekill and sorry king
I warred against Element and lost 7-5
It was a good fight.
But I earned 15 points for us,
It was me vs [Ele]Hadesone and [Ele]textaz
And kingties you are not the leader now, Cerro is so live with it.
Last edited by Labirynth; Apr 10, 2012 at 07:59 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Ronald McDonald is scary.
Originally Posted by Labirynth View Post
Yes Rodekill and sorry king
I warred against Element and lost 7-5
It was a good fight.
But I earned 15 points for us,
It was me vs [Ele]Hadesone and [Ele]textaz
And kingties you are not the leader now, Cerro is so live with it.

P.S. event!!

I agree with Labi cause if you keep getting banned we will never have a good leader , clean guys with non-bans are better for clans
Last edited by daxter99; Apr 10, 2012 at 11:19 AM.