Originally Posted by
They would have to pass a series of complex tests! Including mathematics, grammar, science, history, and politics. Or maybe we'll just see if they're cool enough to get in. Depends on the mood. Oh, but they most definately need skill. Speaking of which, I will post some videos later of my victorious return to ToriBash. However, many of the replays messed up and switched my opponent of switched my place with the opponent and whatnot. They are epic nonetheless.
Oh he knows all that, his grammar is great.
His ingame skills you ask? Well he got a 13 win streak in a server!
And HELL YEAH he IS cool enough....
Problem is, he has few posts......few...but he's still cool
Just make a friggin consideration.
He is playing later with me, so I'll just post again for you guys to see his awesome skills ingame and his grammar.
160th post and still counting!
Last edited by kayateya; Apr 13, 2012 at 03:05 PM.