Originally Posted by C0XY View Post
This isn't so much our dark little corner as it is our retirement home, we've done the whole being super active thing, played the game and got sick of it. We are here for the people. And because its a habit. Mostly because it's a habit. I hate the people.

And we are mostly too lazy to report you for posting here unless you are a pain.

This may be the best description.

My heyday here has already passed. I used to make several heads a week, and even when I moved on to larger formats with more intricate shading, at least a couple per months. I posted 40-80 posts per day all around the forums. I spent lots of time ingame toying with fun game modes as well as getting some good streaks in aikido. I've gotten all the items I actually want, as well as lots of extras and a collectible, not to mention several flames. After all that, I feel like I've seen it all.

Now I post here cuz I like you guys and I check GATA just in case a new artist pops up who I could learn something from that applies to my art style. Realistically, I don't do requests now, since I'm used to much higher prices as well as customers who are less picky about matching the head to their set.

Right now, I'm in the middle of finals, which will pretty much determine whether I will still have a strong shot at medical school in later years. I have 2 finals this Wednesday in fact, and I literally just got back to my room after a shitton of studying.

Aspirationally, I used to think being a mod or gamekeeper would be the tits and REALLY wanted to become a forum mod (I was one for the Computer chat board for a while, but stopped caring after a few months/a year once no one posted there cuz the majority of the community is too young for that), but after a while, you realize that the fun from it would come from the power abuse, not that actual helpfulness of moderating the game or the forums, which is otherwise a really dull job. I've been there though, so I completely understand the desire to be a GM/Marketeer/Smod/whetevernewpositionisouttherenow, and I won't discourage you against it. It's pretty cool to be responsible for a board and help clean it up, makes you feel productive.

If you ARE going ingame a lot, make a post on our "Online?" thread. That's what it's there for. I usually try to get on if I can whenever I see a post there. Often I'm too late, but that's just how it goes. I'm often surprised that sometimes i'd get on, post, and see someone in the server who saw it. (sometimes it's someone who's already moved on but still subscribed to the thread).

If you do decide to leave, I for one wouldn't care if you posted here or not. Otherwise, I feel like a lot of people will be more active in summer once testing is over.
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