Me, Myself and I.

I am the most active, I am the most known

lol, don't know about known.

I been playing since 2009, and I have 3 well known accounts. I am pretty good ingame when I want to try. Most of the time, I just goof off and have fun. When it comes to the point where money is on the line, you will see the legendary me.

Other then me, would be nuthug or veb
The most experinced player in-game? I would say leyz(leyzer beam). He is a god for me. Imo, he is quite better than NutHug.

And the most experinced on the forum is quite a hard question. veb is the first guy to register on toribash ever, so I think he is.
I remember my first Wushu tournament. And I remember that player named PlayerID666 owned everyone there. This is how I've started to hate this mod.

Mhm.. War_Hero maybe, as-well as mentioned already NutHug. I've liked too Nirs replay that was in Toribash folder. I've heard too that SWEXxELITE is pretty badass at spars, but I think I've never met him in-game.
I remember Leyz, leys, hampa, Dr Bear, StabberZ and more to be people I enjoy fighting.
Cheers to the people that remember me. (crickets, everyone is dead)
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.