Original Post
Moneys and Rank
So I'm new to this and all, and I've only really played in private games that I've made form my friends. I've done it quite a lot, but my rank hasn't gone up, The "____ More to Yellow" Hasn't changed, and I haven't gotten any moneys. Is this because I've only played on private servers? Thank you for your time x)
Yup you have to play on official servers to gain tc and rank up.
Like Beginner,Intermidiate,SemiPro,Blackbelt and the Quick Akido rooms
ok bro, your problem is that you have only been playing private matches not public ones. public ones(where you can rank up and earn tc) are highlighted a color
In order to earn your tc you've been searching for you must go to one of those servers, if that makes sense lol.
Hope it helped
Originally Posted by Velair View Post
go to tourney helps alot there is 750 and 500

Nice explaining...


So, if you want TC (TB currency) you have to play in OFFICIAL servers (EX: "Beginner: Aikido", stuff like that) or Tourney's. Tourneys are the rooms that say "700/500TC Tourney, Stars now/x games left".

If you want QI (Currency that determines your belt) , you have to play in any server, just not a server with a mod that has Matchframes under 10 and Turnframes under 10.

If you want anymore help with anything, just PM me (Click Private Messages in the top right corner of the web page and on the left, find "Send new message" and type in my Username, Gradeger, and enter what you need help with) .