Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[Question] Estimated worth
Hey toribrothers,

I'm back after a long time and was wondering if my inventori is still worth something.
Would appreciated it if someone could look at it and tell me an estimated worth.
If I know the price I can get to selling it.

I know I have full void, demon, alpha imperial, elf and pure.
And a shitload of other stuff.
Maybe even two pure sets..

Anyway, much appreciated!
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
It would be better to post it in The price check megathread. Since I'm here I'll tell you something.
It's impossible to make an evaluation for all of these items. I didn't check the flames ingame aswell. I just looked at all of this and I think it may be even worth 4kk toticredits if you sell it all at once. But no one will buy it as a set of items. You need to sell it separately. I have no idea how much tc will you get from it. I'm sure it will be more than 3 million.
Thanks a lot Shar, that's all I needed to know.
Will check my doubles and sell them.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
So ya selling? If so, here are mah offers:

256 head- 6k
acid force/relax- 8k
aqua force/relax- 1.2k
breast texture- 1k
the 6 texture trails- 18k

I'd offer on more, but my funds are pretty tight at the moment

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
This is not a selling thread.
I'll make a selling thread later.

I'm slow, so let me take my time ;]

Mods, please close this.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.