Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[Free stuff]
*One item per person*

-Gaia Blood *Taken by yomayogg*
-Gold Relax *Taken by ArrowBasse*
-Neptune Grip *Taken by Malene*
-Titan force *Taken by Aero121*

Update: Giving everything away.. Haven't played the game in years... Hope these items make some of you happy

-Pharos relax **Taken by thedafa13*
-Pharos user text *Taken by SchVannia*
-Quicksilver force *Taken by MegaCash*
-Sapphire blood *Taken by CerroNegro*
-Vampire timer *Taken by 4Roger*
-Head avatar *Taken by 456654*

*Forgot you could give textures away Oops.*

-Flame Particle Texture *Taken by Arczi93*
-Head Texture *Taken by OracleHD*
-Left Bicep Texture *Taken by Daltaz*
-Left Foot Texture *Taken by Lcs*
-Left Hand Texture *Taken by PapaVodka*
-Left Hand Texture Trail *Taken by Hardy512*
-Left Leg Texture *taken by Andrew77*
-Left Thigh Texture *Taken by PapaSmurfa*
-Left Tricep Texture *Taken by MoisesJnr*
-Right Bicep Texture *Taken by Noobie212*
-Right Foot Texture *Taken by Lazors*
-Right Hand Texture *Taken by shocktrooper*
-Right Hand Texture Trail *Taken by zombieshit*
-Right Leg Texture *Taken by Mrpretty*
-Right Thigh Texture *Taken by Hanck*
-Right Tricep Texture *Taken by SwedishPower*
-Typhon Torso *Taken by Arturix3*

First one to comment, gets the item they asked for.

Last edited by Doni; Jun 25, 2012 at 04:24 PM.