Original Post
Thank you jarmund!!!!
Jarmund is the best admin ever!He unbaned me cuz he said juntalis was stuppost to give me a warrning.

The reson why i got ban is cuz i hacked the goon server by changeing my name to another players name.

But now.The thing is.

Do you guys still want me in the clan after what happend.
Dont say you still want me when you dont.Just tell me cuz i would rather leave then make Urban "The clan whos leader got ban for hacking".It would realy make me feel bad if I bring its rep down.
Originally Posted by saintowar View Post
Do you guys still want me in the clan after what happend.

Of course, :o why would you think we wouldon't. O_O
*Hugs Saint* We all loves you
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic