Original Post
[S] Radioactive blood
It's sold

Stock 410
QI required 0
Shop price 3000
Owned by 1984 people

Shop item page here

I want to sell the radioactive blood for 1450 TC, it is the cheapest price in the market for it. I am willing to haggle, but not for a big price change, maybe just a small one.

EDIT: Nevermind guys, someone bought it for 1450 TC, yay!
Last edited by sergiu8957; Jul 9, 2012 at 12:49 PM. Reason: It was sold for 1450 TC
If you meant that the market always has higher prices than the shop, that is not always true. The shop price for radioactive blood is 3000 and I'm selling it for the cheapest in the market, 1450.

However, if you meant that you can find cheaper items somewhere in the forum, I cannot find cheaper radioactive blood anywhere

Sorry for understanding messages hard, english is not my first language.
in market second price for radio blood - 1500tc i dont want to buy it for 1450tc and making 50tc profit. no thx
Respect to ~ Brigada