Christmas Lottery
Original Post
What instrument can you play? (EX Fr3styL theme song)
What musical instrument can you play

------Previous mail------
Hello all! Well as some of you know, I've got my self a bass guitar =) I'm not that good at it yet, 'cause I meanly played drums and percussion in the past, buy that really helps me advance faster at the bass.

So I came with the idea of making a song for the clan

I want to know your opinion, about if you would like that. If everyone likes the idea then we write the lyrics together and talk about what sytle should it be, and if any other musician is in the clan, we can work together with the melody, rhythm, and all that pretty things.

Also, we can make a song with tracks! Easily I can record, then everyone at his/her house sing a part then we put all the tracks on Cubase and we have a song singed by all =)

Last edited by Jahman; Jul 24, 2012 at 06:13 PM. Reason: FUn - no quorum