Originally Posted by RayA75 View Post
Found a neat little study published by the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy. It seems to corroborate with my claims that there's more to the situation than "less guns makes for less crime."

This is reaching tricky ground now. There's virtually no other country in the world that allows gun ownership for the purpose of self-defense on a large scale other than the United States. Gun ownership is mainly permitted for hunting and sport shooting in other countries, self-defense will get shot down if it's your stated reason. In addition, guns aren't viewed as a right, but as a privilege.

Americans do not share this mentality. Arguably, such a mentality could be fostered by increasing gun control and regulation. By increasing the hurdles you have to jump through, a gun becomes a precious possession, not a toy that you can buy at the local Walmart. It promotes intelligent use of the weapon, to preserve the privilege to use the weapon. Since firearms are so readily available, coupled with the belief that guns are a protected right in the country, it promotes an immature and irresponsible mentality surrounding gun ownership.
nyan :3
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