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[Tex] First head attempt in photoshop
Hi I've just got photoshop and want to get into texturing business.
This is my first attempt at making a head texture on ps as well and I wondered what everyone would think.

I've made two different versions ( tell me which one is better )

version 1

version 2

final version

Please give me opinions and tips, thank you.
Last edited by Elias; Jul 29, 2012 at 11:48 PM.
I've played with the layers a little and I also did this which I like the most.

version 3

also thanks for the positive comments, any tips?
Last edited by Elias; Jul 29, 2012 at 11:49 PM.
The eyes are very appealing to me.
In the third version, i don't really like the top red layer, it has such a weird shape.
Overall, i like the heads they are nice.

▲ ▲
Amazing for your first try, but I like the first version best, It looks semi-realistic, unlike the third head that looks like a robot cartoon, with weird shapes where they shouldn't be.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
Nice job at smoothening the lines from the first version!
You need to practice alot on mapping and making good looking shapes but you'll learn that soon enough.
It's All About Expansion
i dont like the top layer it kind of plays with the look, you should make it straighter like the other two layers
the eyes are awesome though they make me like the head despite everything else
Last edited by BlueSt0rmX; Jul 30, 2012 at 07:43 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
For the first time very cool head and like Cooper said looks angry

Originally Posted by Degorm View Post
Hi I've just got photoshop and want to get into texturing business.
This is my first attempt at making a head texture on ps as well and I wondered what everyone would think.

I've made two different versions ( tell me which one is better )

version 1

version 2

final version

Please give me opinions and tips, thank you.

i like the second one can you make some tuts?
[S]ilver, [Ninja] Hood