Originally Posted by
first its psych ward second well no not realy third thats spam forth u can just see the pages lazy f&$%
stop being disrespectful to other players it wont be tolerated anymore choppa do it again and i will kick you this applies to all other members aswell.
Originally Posted by
Sup guys,i don't visit it a times... news on psycho?
things are going good we lost a valued member recently but things are picking up im also weeding through the inactives
Originally Posted by
hey guys check out my new sig
why isnt nobod posting have u all died?
i wanted to say nobody this keyboard man....
stop spamming the DSC with useless posts if you want to post make it of value to the clan none of this "check out my sig" stuff.
Originally Posted by
ok fine i admit my error sorry sainz but just so u know its psych ward not psycho
Psych or Psycho is fine seeing as our clan tag is Psycho think things through before you go off on a rage.
Originally Posted by
Feels good to be in a new clan, I feel welcomed, This clan is a success =D
Again keep this off the clan DSC please if you want to post make it of value or importance and stick to one subject