I furrowed my brow, wiping the cold sweat off my forehead. That dream was way too real for comfort. I dragged myself out of bed. My parents were gone, although they didn't leave a note like usual. Being as we communicated almost exclusively through notes on the refrigerator, this struck me slightly odd. I figured they just didn't have anything to say and disregarded it.
I made myself some cereal and ate, mind still on my dream. I felt odd, almost alone. I decided to put on some pants and take a stroll through the neighborhood. Being it was early morning, I knew nobody would be up. I slipped into a pair of shoes and walked outside, enjoying the feeling of the cool air against my skin. The morning fog was heavy and I couldn't see more than fifty feet away, putting me on edge. Even though nobody was up at this hour I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
Somebody was watching me.
I stopped walking, listening for any sound that would indicate anyone's presence. It was silent for a moment, and then a brisk set of rapping footsteps confirmed my suspicion. I turned around to see nobody around. I was afraid.
"What the fuck?" I nervously shouted, not fearing waking my neighbors. I ran off to find the fog was getting thicker.
I couldn't find my house.
I found the nearest unlocked residence and, scared out of my mind, barged right in. There was no furniture in the house. I entered a barren master bedroom and locked the door. For now, I was safe.