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[Solved] A few questions
So i just wanted to know.....

1. What is QI?
2. How Do I get QI?
3. What is a dead soul?
Last edited by Taryn71; Aug 21, 2012 at 01:17 AM.
Qi (pronounced "chi") is the unit of experience in this game.

You get qi by playing matches. Meaning you get qi for both winning & losing matches.

Dead soul is an item that was given to the losers of The Deadly Game.

The item itself is nothing more than an item a collector would find interest to, meaning it does nothing (physically).
Last edited by firebolty; Aug 21, 2012 at 01:35 AM.
Originally Posted by WorldEater View Post
No. You must win to get QI.

That's incorrect, I'm afraid. As firebolty already said, even if you lose, you still get qi.
I think only if you win
Thx for the answer guys
Last edited by Cerezo; Aug 21, 2012 at 09:42 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I think Firebolty made a mistake because when i lose, i didn't recieve QI..
Master of the arcane arts
firebolty made no mistake, you receive QI for both win and lose.
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