:L alright i can see your kinda broke and not been on forums much :L ill make you a fast one for like... 500tc or something. :3

in fact.. yknow what... i done most of it but some shading n sht still needs to be done, tail is slightly off and ears arnt finished :L but icba anymore xD so ill just give what i have done for free :L ill upload it in a sec

unfinished pikachu

fastest head i have ever done :L
Last edited by shad666; Aug 24, 2012 at 08:46 PM.
I hardly play games anymore.. sorry to disappoint
Originally Posted by 420Cheezit View Post
Hey I can probably fit you in after I finish my head. Its mkay. `Just make the price over 500 and we`re good.

This thread is from 3 years ago...

(Ill make one for 600 tc)