Secret Santa 2024
You saw it on the internet and thought you were re-inventing hot water Excuse me for not being impressed with this, but it has been around for a long time. Attaching a batch file to anything and telling it to run simple echo commands is not that complicated, and this I don't find this so-called prank funny. But hey, maybe I would have, 6 years ago

@Silent: We can put pretty much anything in our [Hunters]Hunters thread, but I don't think we can force the video to start playing as soon as the page is opened. Which would kinda ruin the idea.

@clan: We're not really discussing anything at this point. Let's change that. What are your thoughts on "fate" or "destiny"? Do you think such a thing exists, and if so, to what extent ? I'm curious to see what my fellow clan members think about this
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself: