Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
Pokemon when you lose all your PP fighting an asshole who can barely be hit or constantly dodges and heals.

Oh yes, so much in Pokémon. Basically anything that used protect and/or rest or recover would drive me to frustration. At least with the dodging pokémon you could use attacks that never miss...
Bonus points if that pokémon had insane levels of defence. Also applies to trainers which spam full restores or whatever.
Games where no matter what you pick, you still progress down the same story line. Seriously, choices should have consequences, not stupid crap like, ohherrderr you're now more angelic/demonic.

As much as I loved Fable, it had that problem. Do you want to sacrifice the bandit to save the kid? Or just kill the faerie and escape with them both? Guess what, in both cases you still have to fight your way out. Fuck dat shit, change the damn story, not my damn appearance. I can achieve the same thing by eating pies all day and having the fattest character in the world.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games