Original Post
Placing and taking blame
I've been up here for awhile and never really made a thread here... well here goes.

As of late (mainly at my school or around my city) people have been placing blame on those who really don't deserve it. But what bothers me is that they just lay there and take it. It seems though the ones placing the blame are just as guilty as the people they're accusing. My question is when is it okay to place blame (if it ever is) and if not why people do it without being called on it?
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
The burden of proof falls on the accuser. If someone blames another without proof, then there is no need for the accused to defend themselves.
I ignore people putting blame on me when I know it's bullshit and everybody agrees with me. You should take that into account.
oh yeah
What is the point of this thread? Since when can people blaming other people for bullshit be an equally debatable topic?

>Someone blames another person for something he didn't do.

What is there to debate about that obviously reprimandable circumstance?
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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