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A tag team game
This is not what you think it is where there are 3 or 4 toris playing at once. I was thinking that you and a partner or friend control one tori but not simultaneously. You start the move then your partner controls the tori the next turn frame and it has that pattern through the whole game with both of the teams. They should also both receive the win (or loss) and TC. Or whatever bets or tourneys they win they split the money. I think it will be fun and spice things up.
Originally Posted by Dyrisk View Post
There's already a thread about this. In fact, it was the very top thread in Suggestions when you posted this one.

In that thread they were talking about more than 2 toris in a game im talking about 2 people with one tori.

Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
It's kind of hard to make 2 people, across the world, play as on Tori, on the same account, at the same time

There should be like servers for specific countries or something
Originally Posted by BabyBash View Post
There should be like servers for specific countries or something

there arent enough people who play to have dedicated county splits

also the fun of toribash is that having a ping over 200ms doesnt ruin playing the game so you can play with people all over the world

you could also possibly do this using a remote control application like teamviewer
back from the dead
I don't like that idea because if 2 people will use 1 tori, who will decorate the tori? they might fight :/
Master of the arcane arts
if that really matters, idea itself seems interesting, but i imagine it more like tori and uke team, none of acc is used in the battle, just default uke and tori, and team members just listed under the name.
i really don't know if it is possible or how hard it is to make it happen, yet such gamemode existing apart from multiplayer and singleplayer seems to be quite cool feature.