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[Music] TBSC Group event - Guitar

The Toribash Sound Cloud Group, where Toribashers create music for the game and fun is hosting a create a track event.


Do not use premade tracks unless they are unfinished.
Do any track you want and post it on the group.

Most awesome track gets a nice joint texture set.

Friday, Oct 12th

The group is here:

Best track is decided by Jusmi and hampa.

Good luck, mark the track name with #TBSC and post it in the thread.
Last edited by Doxxy; Oct 9, 2012 at 05:14 AM.
Originally Posted by Hours View Post
Is music create websites allowed?
Like, Jamstudio or Clubcreate.

Or does it need to be by a guitar in real life?

Yes, you can use whatever tools you want.

The theme is "guitar" feel free to interpret that however you want.
Most music programs use recorded sounds from instruments and if this competition is directed only to those who can both compose/impro and play guitar then there's not going to be many entries.
I'd assume that you'd be safe going with those or any other music creation thing like Sibelius.

Also, here's my entry:
It's not how I wanted it to turn out and in fact I don't really like it myself but hopefully you do.
Originally Posted by Jim View Post
Do our tracks have to be instrumental, i.e., can we use vocals?

You can use vocals.
Originally Posted by Isolations View Post
Any specifications on how long it has to be?

Make it as long as you wish. Though around a minute or more is preferable.
Done with this community, you guys suck.
Alrighty, finished mixing mine. We haven't finished recording vocals for the song yet, so, since the theme is guitar, I decided to upload the guitar/bass/drum track.
Here it is.