Secret Santa 2024
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[Advices]Things going in my mind.
I made this thread because i need to practice my 3rd language, english and i would write every week or every day all things that are going in my mind and i would like you to correct me and comment my small art, not all will understand only kids will pretend being smart guys and will act like flooding etc.I apreciate your ideas about life and some advices that would help all us in life.

Red Balloon, Hostile Person, Shy Kid..
It is funny how we tend to put everything in categories. It is part of our routine to give names to everything: a cute dog, a nice house, a boring subject.

However, when we do that with humans, it doesn’t always end up great. People feel that they are defined by what others say about them, and they will just do the things that are suitable for their ‘category’. A person who is considered to be mean will do bad things because it would be too much of an effort to try and change the way others see them. A shy person probably won’t try to speak to the new kid in class just because it’s not part of their character to socialize. So, we don’t change what we do because we think that’s who we are, and we are like this because we don’t change it.

Einstein was right in his theory of relativity. EVERYTHING is relative. You are not good. You are not bad.The ecologist who doesn’t stop talking about how bad global warming is might seem the most boring person on Earth, but in fact some people would pay to listen to his passionate speeches. The person that you think has the most beautiful smile that ever existed might be found rather unattractive by your friends. So, you can’t really say how someone is, can you?

Every single day we go through so many experiences, we talk to different people and every lesson that we learn is shaping who we are. Try this: think of a word to describe what you are: the way you look, think or speak. It’s not very easy is it? So, just accept the idea that your neighbour is not just ‘annoying’ and that you are not fat, stupid or all-knowing.

Now remove the labels that you have in your head and just take life the way it is. Do you dream about taking art lessons but your parents wouldn’t take you seriously because they think that you will just get bored of it in the same way you got bored of gymnastics and piano classes? In the end, this will convince you that you get tired of new activities once you start them. You just need to trust yourself more than you trust others- be your supporter and you will end up being who you want to be.

Good luck! And next time when you’re talking about someone just remember that you might be very wrong and your opinion is very subjective anyway.


My advice would be: don't use "XO". Like, ever. It kind of ruins the whole of this otherwise enjoyable writing.
Otherwise, try to use proper grammar at all times. The essay itself was kind of okay, but the text you wrote above it wasn't.
Practice makes perfect, so keep on writing. :]
Read this thread, replied a full two weeks later.
Glossed through this thread a couple of times but didn't really read it, with my forum activity being as non-existant as it is I tend not to post. But...

I liked the everything is relative comment (as well as what you wrote as a whole - especially with english being your third language ), because you dealt with something a lot of people experience - being compared or comparing themselves to other people. Things like this always make good writing and good discussions because every reader knows first hand what it is you're talking about.

If you want to write about thoughts try to make someone feel whatever it was you thought and felt when you wrote. Go for imagery and choose your words carefully. For me, if I think about a person being good at ____ then I wonder 'What if everybody else was great?' and then if that person is great, then 'What if everybody else was amazing?' I don't ask myself these question but I think about them, so if I want to be on the same page as the person reading I'll try and prompt them to think about the same things without ever asking a question.
Last edited by N3WB; Nov 3, 2012 at 02:45 PM. Reason: Accidental post