Original Post
Metal Gear Solid 4
I made this thread because most ppl in our clan got MGS4 .
Its for posting Records, Questions adn so on^^


Act Records
-Hypnox - 1st Act in 43 mins 07 secs

Emblem Records
-Hypnox - Big Boss Emblem

Sorry for the low quality ;(

-VeroX - Big Boss Emblem
3:32 hours

Feel free to edit or help me to improve it

Metal Gear Online Names:

Metal Gear Online Names:
-VorteXian (VeroX)
-THE5 (The5Brotherhood)
-Hammerhock (Hammerhock)
Last edited by Nightmare; Aug 21, 2008 at 08:52 PM.
lol only cuz u are a loozer and can't manage big boss ;P
Artist: Nightmare | Previous Owners: --- | Resolution: 512 | Modifications: On Request, No fee if simple

then hold no mor emy bday is on 16 octb then say bye bye 2 yoru record
Goldenfist: hey surf wanna do an omg fight
(sigma)surf: Omg tottaly