Secret Santa 2024
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Stereotypical ideas of High School
So as some people may know im in video production this year in High School, Right now i am working with an interview group on what are the stereotypical things that are portrayed in movies/rumors/stories/books/etc. What are some of the ones you have heard of and do you think its true. For example;

Well one thing i know of is bully's! Usually movies say that there are these big mean people that beat you up and stuff and then take your lunch money! But i never see any of that in my school.

Now i am doing this mostly for an idea for the interviewers, But i hope this discussion topic can prosper into something interesting.
Most high schools I know have the 'popular' and 'nerd' groups which tend to stay away from each. And yeah thing like drugs/alcohol/sex/lack of sleep are also a huge thing in high school for vast majority of students in my opinion.
I'm suffering from lack of sleep. ;_; mainly cause I hang out with people who watch anime so I was going to be labeled outcast until I joined the baseball team. Now no one fucks with me cept my team mates.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Depends on what society you are living in.

I'd say, after experiencing the one cross-atlantic and in a few european ones that the only "socially diverging groups" tend to be "Nerds", "I'm okay hanging with anyone" and "those who don't do to good in school".

Might only be me, but there really ain't that much of a drug problem in europe...
Usa, well thats another story...
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
Well i am in the US and in my area, there is no popular or nerd groups. Everyone gets along, but there is a hugh usage of drugs and alchohol.
A hasbeen like the rest
Not American so YMMV

School here is completely different. We have mandatory uniforms, basically no bullying, no nerd cliché, teachers are relaxed and non-aggressive, sport is not considered more important than study, so there's no "hurr durr I'm a jock" attitude, no real drug problems, no real truancy problems.
Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post
Not American so YMMV

School here is completely different. We have mandatory uniforms, basically no bullying, no nerd cliché, teachers are relaxed and non-aggressive, sport is not considered more important than study, so there's no "hurr durr I'm a jock" attitude, no real drug problems, no real truancy problems.

Actually in the City of Rocky Mount we don't have that much of a drug problem. Not on campus anyways. And those who do use drugs tell those who don't not to get hooked on it. Now we have to maintain a certain GPA to play sports so your classic dumb jock doesn't apply to us anymore. As for everyone else, sure there are those that we wish to be but we don't idolize them like in the movies. The stereotypes are becoming less and less every day. So I'm glad we no longer live up to those anymore.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
My high school has 3 main problems
1.Sex (In the bathroom an behind the school) Yep they're that nasty
2.Drugs (Weed,Tobacco,Alcohol) Yes they do these things in school
3.Fights (over drugs)
My schools in the deep country we literally are surrounded by cornfields and cow farms.They're are alot of farm boys that chew dip an smoke tobacco. Countering them however you have Innercity kids that make up the weed smokers group.

P.S. My schools so far in the country kids are late to school because they went hunting that morning lol
¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".

There's been cliques at both high schools I've been to, and each usually picks on another.

There's the sporty guys ("Jocks" as well as more humble ones), two different nerdy groups (One is the "act superior to everyone" type, the other more reclusive), one group of druggies who do everything together and generally leave others alone, the junior years who generally stick together and act arrogant to their elders, and the Pacific Islanders who are generally jovial and leave others alone but can be prone to violence.

Drugs aren't rampant but as mentioned there's a few people who do that stuff often.
Most people tend to go get drunk on the weekends and bum around school.
Oh, and there's the one kid who everyone hates and nobody loves too.