Original Post
[S] ~HEAD SHOP~ new and awesome
PurpleAce's new and more awesome head shop!
There are 4 heads i made and all are for sale
and the price is up to you (resonable)

Most heads say smile but i can make it say what ever you want... recolors and any other edits say in a reply
head 1

head 2

head 3

head 4

Thx and enjoy bidding :3
I'll offer you 1k for that first head. I'd want it to say "kook" on the back though.

(It shall be a horrible present for someone)
off what head sicmo...
and taytay also what head do you want to see the ingame pics on?
Last edited by Ocean; Oct 25, 2012 at 09:38 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump