Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
I didn't know Nate ran this clan ;)
Anyway, post some of your sketches. You've got me curious.

Also, we're pretty inactive.

Sorry, I assumed he did since I saw he started most of the threads, who runs it if it isn't him? (He should be a co-ldr than)?

Indeed, I shall post some of my work.
I also understand that you guys aren't that active which is fine since I might be busy at times being a moderator for ZylonGaming, so this clan is about perfect for my activity rate.

Some Art-
*Note*- this was copied from a post from SKO(Stick Knights Online) so it's more than a month old.

This was made like a week ago.
I was starting to get used to my Pen Tablet.

A drawing of my baby cousin (used a pen and printer paper).

An anime type drawing( pencil and this was drawn looking at an anime pic, forgot where I found it, but it didn't come out how I wanted).

A requested drawing I had for a player of the game I work for, it was made in my red sketch book. <3

This drawing is on the first page of my sketch book.

A day in iScribble with CarlRapp and Lee.
Originally Posted by materger View Post

A drawing of my baby cousin (used a pen and printer paper).

This picture, i like it alot.
Anyways, i just happened to repost our threads when we lost them(long story).
But yeah, i can contest this guys "coolness" :>

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Thank you Nate, oh and let me know if I was accepted. <3

I will be drawing some more soon, if you want me to post any more art, just lemme know. ;3
Originally Posted by materger View Post
Thank you Nate, oh and let me know if I was accepted. <3

I will be drawing some more soon, if you want me to post any more art, just lemme know. ;3

I'd imagine before being accepted/denied Alphasonik would have you "get to know" everyone. It's pretty much like a trial period thing. But you'll have to wait for his verdict :S

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Originally Posted by Nate456 View Post
I'd imagine before being accepted/denied Alphasonik would have you "get to know" everyone. It's pretty much like a trial period thing. But you'll have to wait for his verdict :S

Yeah man, I've been on trial for like 3 years now... it's a pretty tough trial period...
Also I'm joking
Originally Posted by Nate456 View Post
I'd imagine before being accepted/denied Alphasonik would have you "get to know" everyone. It's pretty much like a trial period thing. But you'll have to wait for his verdict :S

Alrighty than. :>

I can wait as long as needed. ;o