Name: Nagato9757
Age: 13
Belt: Black belt
Former Clans: Pure Chaos, Humans, Dark rage, Bunny Army and Heart.
Why do you want to join us: Im good friends with ToribashLV and Prince so i would like yo join.
Are you skilled?: Mostly on jousting but also on ninjutsu, wushu, taekyon and aikido
Tell us a bit about yourself: I live in UK and very active most of the time. If not i play minecraft which i host a server. It uses Hamachi though so i dont go on it much. Anyway so my first Tourney win was when i was yellow belt and my first custom tourney win was at blackbelt (right now) i am 600 games to 2nd dan and i wish to join your clan.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Hai im new :)
Hai i am new to this clan so i hoping i can get to know this clan better.

Im a Black belt, i make videos

Im on 2 times a day(1 because of school)

Here are some of my replays
Born to be a pro 20.rpl

Planet X 2.rpl

Planet X 3.rpl

Planet X 4.rpl