Secret Santa 2024
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The noobs guide to making a decap kick(pics)
The decap kick tutorial

(No, I dont have shaders)
I'm sure all the noobs out there are tired of being unable to preform a stylish decap, and instead doing something, like this:

I'm going to show you how to pull off a half-decent SP decap, the tutorial is completely flexible. So there can be many variations. So the first step is making a decent foundation to base your kick on. Below is a simple formula for the start of a decap kick. (Please note my example only works with engage distance 150)

Engage distance: 150
Dismemberment threshold: 100
Matchframes: 100+
Turnframes: 10

The basis
First, you need some good momentum and height, a good way to do this is contracting and extending some joint's, then reversing their movment's. So:

Hold All
Left Rotating Chest
Left Bending Lumbar
Contracting Right Pec's
Extending Left Pec's
Extending Right Hip
Contracting Left Hip

By now, you should get something that looks similar to this.

So now we have a basis, thats a start. But nows the tricky bit, now we have to reverse most of the joint's. But at the same time we have to keep balance or all that power will be lost. So:
The switch

Right Rotate Chest
Right Bending Lumbar
Extend Right Pecs
Contract Left Pecs
Extend Right Glute
Relax Left Hip

If it looks like this you are heading in the right direction

I'm going to choose this moment to explain relaxing.
Relaxing is best used here(I say here in this tutorial) when you want a join to move in a certain direction but dont want to over-margin it. But it is possible to cock it all up as when you are relaxed you can lose balance very easily. So i've kept relaxing to a minimum. You however can choose to elaborate.

Next step is where the momentum really starts to pick up, so this step is very important. Again, we are going to reverse another joint

Contract Right Hip
Contract Right Knee
Shift+Space x6

Looks like this

Now we are almost ready to kick. But we need a little more height and leverage. I use leverage in terms of missing the rest of the body and only hitting the head. So we make another small change, now everything rests on the smallest detail. (Note. Think of glutes as moving the knee's away from the body)
The detail

Extend Right Glute
Shift+Space x2

Now we are here

Almost finished. Now there are a few small changes to bring the foot nearer the head, the best way to do this without a shadow of a doubt is with the Abs. This is the last change before extending that knee.

Contract Abs
Shift+Space x3

Here we go, this is it. We have enough momentum to remove a body part. The right leg is going up towards the head. These are the final steps.(Note. Contracting the glute gave me that bit more force to aid the decap)
The kick

Contract Right Glute
Extend Right Knee

I hope you found this tutorial useful!

If you are looking for reference, view the first one. The other is an example of a variation.
Attached Files
0highkick.rpl (57.4 KB, 25 views)
0variation.rpl (19.2 KB, 18 views)
Echomarine 4 the win
Originally Posted by MrPoptart View Post

Ty for shaderising my pics

Originally Posted by Vargo22
You are just phail doesn't make much sense and I followed the tut exactly as he said.

Then you have done it wrong. Get the reverse engineering here and put it in.
Last edited by OldBean; Aug 11, 2008 at 05:14 PM.
Echomarine 4 the win
no, vargo, the tut is fine, you're just phail. you forgot the left glute.

usually i like my decaps with more whirl, though, but this'll give the noobs something to start from.
I refuse to grab.
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vargo, it is very clear that you didn't your left glute stays contracted all the time, whereas the tut tells you to extend it, and even the last pic has it extended

I refuse to grab.
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