I don't understand the legalization of said marijuana. Some of the main reasons it was legalized was because I bet congress and other states government were tired of hearing pot heads saying "Man you need to legalize pot man."
Tbh I find it very suprising the government would legalize something they can't tax. Not to mention if this is a follow up suit for other states the economy will go to shit. I mean, the timber industry pfft out the window, not to mention parents hate the idea of weed ANYWHERE NEAR THEIR KIDS! To have it legal just amazes me. Also to think that if you complain enough you get your way puts me in awe as well.
Not to mention production would go down if other states followed through. I mean people would be eating like crazy but no body would be up to make more food cause their so lazy from the weed! (Joking situation but you never know >_>)
Times like these I wish executive action still existed for the good side.
You are fucking retarded. I can't even.
Yes, because simply complaining was why it was legalized!
Actual I feel pretty confident that this will never ever happen.
Times like these I wish I could punch people in the face from across the internet.
Anyways, I'm really happy that this has gone through. Now comes the real test though, how responsible people are with it. Not necessarily the people in Colorado and Washington, but the people that go there to buy legal weed, then smuggle it into their state. I hope to god tourists don't fuck this up.
They will...
and you took ALL of my posts WAY out of context. I mean... I can't... ugh this is why I can't do anything publicly anymore.
You have proved yourself retarded once again, Agentmax.
It wasn't passed 'cause pot heads said "Man you need to legalize pot man."
It's actually been talked about for years, and it might improve the economy greatly.
I'm surprised it wasn't legalized earlier. Hell, it does much less harm than Alcohol. It was primarily banned because it was a gateway drug, thought to lead people into harsher drugs. I think people will handle it fine, and it won't cause any harm. It's not like "Hey, this weed is getting old. Ima go shoot up some heroine instead."
tl;dr The prohibition of weed was kind of a failure, it's pretty popular everywhere, and it hasn't made an impact at all.
If weed can fetch the economy some bucks, why not?
Read this: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/0...n_1833751.html
EDIT: These laws are merely a test to see how society functions with weed being legal. If it does well, you'll see more and more states following. If not, it'll be banned again.
Still not nice, some people have mental problems like that. Don't use the term so broadly.
Anyways, I'm just saying, the government CANNOT! Make a "buck" on this plant we call Marijuana. It's a natural substance and like all natural substances it can prove to be harmful as stated by cobra. With it being a natural substance you can not put any type of dosage, time of day it to be used, and how often it can be used. Also like cobra said, people become dependent on it like they do cigs and alcoholic beverages. So to say it's "Better" then those is complete lack of observation on your part. Because eventually if you smoke enough weed, you become dependent and you won't do anything with your life because your high all the fucking time. Not too mention you'll food bill go out the roof.
Still, the fact that weed is being legalized fucks up the street price. Because if the government FINDS a way to tax it. All hell will break loose on the street because those who sell it will lose their profits and pitch a fit.
Also I didn't think cancer could be cured by such unconventional ways.
Harm is harm, no matter what. It makes you happy right? I would go into all the science behind it but I don't feel like typing so summary! Everytime you do something that you think is fun you release THC. When you smoke marijuana it releases alot of THC but the THC stays and you become accustomed to that happiness and it makes every other activity you do besides smoking weed less fun. So smoking weed continuously is the only way to get that happiness your now relying on, making daily life more of a chore. That itself has many major side effects on a society. That already outweighs the "economic gains" all the pro legalize people say. Let alone the damage to your lungs, the damage to your throat, and all the side effects of smoking in general. Oh yeah and marijuana can lead to other drugs once the high of marijuana isn't good enough anymore; you'd probably reply no way I'm going to use other drugs! Other people might, and allowing recreational marijuana is going to open alot of paths that can lead to increased rates of crime. Which is something we don't need now that prisons are overcrowded.
It's pretty popular must be good. Just like opium in China during the 18th century, right? History repeats itself. Also if we legalized marijuana right now, that would officially be one of the worst ideas politicians have agreed to. In hard economic times, people resort to stress relievers, whether it be smoking cigarettes, cigars, alcohol and now introducing marijuana
Actually, we're talking about recreational use. I can tell you don't know what that is. Recreational use of marijuana is you can buy it from a store and smoke it anywhere where it's permitted legally. Smoking weed is now the same as smoking a ciggarette. In those two states ofc
we don't need to hear how its great for patients, because its recreational usage.