I have pmīd my entry to WorldEater.
Anyways I will show my story to see what you guys think about it.
"Story by boingBoing, infrict copyright and I will kick yo ass!"
Not too long ago, within a hidden underground nation, a young warrior wanted to prove himself. Hence his great fighting skills and braveness, the village was too peaceful for something to happen.
But one day, a force of evil approached the peaceful community...Their objective or identification was unknown, but a light green aura surrounded them, and their weaponry was made of emerald. Manslaughter took place within the village, and the brave warrior could do nothing but fight for his nation. The warrior master, sensei, approached the young warrior and beware him before he went into battle.
"You shall not survive among the army of the emeralds, unless you have our villageīs most appreciated gem...the magic topaz.
The precious gem was covered by glowing beige light. The sensei formed a sword using the topaz, which was very powerful, and contains the soul of the dead warriors who tried to fight the emerald forces and died. However now...the young warrior was not afraid...He formed his own army, and along the souls of the dead warriors, he prepared to battle...the moment arrived...and the Topaz forces were born again!