Originally Posted by CyberSubZero23 View Post
Huh? Okay, let's not make this a debate, but let's all agree that every console and pc has awesome exclusives, for example Halo Combat evolved, 2 ,3, Reach and 4 (Xbox & Xbox 360) God of War and etc etc (Play Station), and some cool games that I didn't mention by name (Pc Xbox, Playstation)

You forgot to mention Heavy Rain, Uncharted Series, Little Big Planet, Metal Gear Series which totally knocks off Xbox 360's exclusives.
~no hard feelings, bro.
Definitely not Josh Lintag
I've heard that there's a new Metal Gear game called Metal Gear Rising, where you play as the..... I don't know him but search it up. It is also gonna be in Xbox 360.
"Isolate and Devour"
Originally Posted by CyberSubZero23 View Post
I've heard that there's a new Metal Gear game called Metal Gear Rising, where you play as the..... I don't know him but search it up. It is also gonna be in Xbox 360.

Ah, metal gear rising revengeance, I love that game, you can slice anything.
And you are going to be using Raiden.
Definitely not Josh Lintag