Originally Posted by
the only reason you want it here is because you got nabs to vote for you. If you wouldn't have had any votes, you would have cried to mama.
You can't just assume everyone who voted for him doesn't know what they're talking about.
Originally Posted by
You think this actually helps you getting GK? This thread, as well as any other popularitycontests, are shitbarns.
Nope. What if someone "upstairs" sees this, and as a result, decides to and look into culapou some more? They'll find out he's serious about wanting to be a GK and hosts damn good tourneys.
Originally Posted by
Also, I've seen you in-game and you've always been an idiot, at least when I'm around. Also on the forums.
I've seen him in game, and he doesn't go too far when he's having fun. At the last tourney of his I participated in, he was sorting out troublemakers and helping players get their spots back when they got disconnected and whatnot.
Last edited by Guv_na; Aug 13, 2008 at 04:45 AM.