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The US was attacking Sadam.
Because of the "Wepons ov Mass Destrukchun" that Bush loved so much, right?
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The US had previously armed Osama to help fight off the Russians.
Well, not Russians, Soviets, but close enough I guess.
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They then took those arms, allied with Sadam and started attacking their neighbors.
Incorrect. I don't think there was ever a time when Al Qaeda was allied with Sadam so explicitly, and they sure as hell never attacked their neighbors.
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The US defended those defenseless countries in Desert Storm.
No? Desert Storm was an assault on Iraq in response to Iraq annexing Kuwait. Al-Qaeda did not participate in this war at all. Sadam did order the attacks, but it had nothing to do with mindless attacks. Kuwait owed Iraq a lot of money, and Iraq needed their money back. US's actions can be seen as one of two things, firstly a defense of oil interests in Kuwait, and secondly as a pre-emptive defense of Israel - with whom Iraq is openly hostile against.
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9/11 was an attack on Americans that was probably in response to Bush Jr. winning the 2000 elections.
Incorrect, the fatwa was declared in 1998. In addition, Al-Qaeda stated their three reasons for the attack; US presence in Saudi Arabia, US support of Israel and sanctions against Iraq. For reference, at that time Al-Qaeda was operating out of Afghanistan, they objected to US sanctions on Iraq because Iraq was openly aggressive towards Israel.
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The US still maintain presence in the area to defend the US assets in the area.
Yes, they maintain a presence in order to defend the presence that they are maintaining.
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The US has never 'Warmongered'.
A sovereign or political leader or activist who encourages or advocates aggression or warfare toward other nations or groups.
In the last 20 years the US has invaded 6 countries? The US is openly hostile towards asia minor (excluding Israel). The US even invoked NATO article-5 when they invaded Iraq. Explain how that isn't warmongering? The invocation of article-5 is as warmongering as possible.
Even to think that they would invade a country on suspicion of having weapons, or they would invade after a few deaths from terrorism. US just loves to take the path that involves them starting a war. Then they say "oh they started it, this one time Sadam said he had weapons so we have no choice but to invade".
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The US is a country not based in geography but principal.
I think you will find the the US is definitely based in geography. Your civil war in the 1860s is proof of that. The only thing that united US is geography, that's why they are so hung up on "hurrdurr Cali is best state" "hurrdurr NYC is best city" "hurrdurr Ol' Miss is best university". The USA is very much a country based on geography and nationalism.
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The home of the free and land of the brave!
Ironic don't you think? US is a lot less free than most other countries.
'He who talks most about freedom, doubts he truly has any' or something to that effect, right?