Original Post
Gladiator stuff--I will buy good price or items
i really want gladiator so i'll buy it from someone

Gladiator torso-50 tc or orc torso
gladiator force-30 or or force
gladiator secondary grade-16 tc or chronos/orc secondary grade

other items
i may buy other items
such as motion trails, dqs or name colour
post or pm me for details

note: i will probably only buy other items after i get items i want
-{~<>Death before dishonour<>~}-
Gladiator torso and gladiator secondary gradient for 65.

I can also sell you motion trails, dqs, name colours, and the rest of the stuff in my other thread
But i have no glad force.
send me tc with what you want written down, and ill send asap =)
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."