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Forum: BanList Search
^ I't could make everything more easy.

I want it very very much because It would be more easy to search a ban of your friend or an another acc that you knows.
You could sort by letter. Or maybe site search w. Google.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Ban details
It would be nice to have some visualization on bans, like in this totally legit screenshot:

Just some food for thought I suppose. Support?
to be honest, I can only think of a few instances where this would be useful. If someone is perma-banned or has been banned for a long time and you want to be nosy and don't feel like going through the ban list, I can sort of see this being of some use. Otherwise, you can, as I said, just look in the banlist for details. I don't know.

also I enjoyed the totally legit screenshot haha.

Your pal,
You can simply go to community -> ban list
Don't be lazy ham
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit
Originally Posted by oofun4 View Post
You can simply go to community -> ban list
Don't be lazy ham

Sure, that works, I just feel like some of the forum needs more GUI, so to say.
First of all, a search function is unlikely to happen for the same reason we turned off forum search for regular users.

Second, I'd like to know why you think it's so important that you have that information available to you. If your friend has been banned, I assume you have other channels by which you can find the information. If your clan leader has been banned, they can tell you via IRC or something. Other bans? I don't think it's something you have to know beyond curiosity, and that's why it's not as readily available.

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