Meh. Don't need to be in the same clan to be friends as if you were. Yes that sentence is extremely awkward yet it is perfect grammar.
I'm great friends with non clan members (I spend more time with other clans than my own since mine uses Skype mostly)
I would like to thank Phantom for allowing me into the clan. I really enjoy being with all of you. However, the goals the clan and my own can not seem to align. My goals are very important to me and I must pursue them. After speaking with Azuremage, I believe it is best for me to move forward. I hope to maintain good friends like you guys along my path.
Meh. Don't need to be in the same clan to be friends as if you were. Yes that sentence is extremely awkward yet it is perfect grammar.
I'm great friends with non clan members (I spend more time with other clans than my own since mine uses Skype mostly)